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Decision on the outcome of the Takeover Bid

In relation to the Takeover Bid for Stopanska Banka AD Bitola with headquarters at Dobrivoe Radosavljevikj Str. No. 21, 7000 Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia, Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje, with headquarters at Vasil Iljoski Str. No. 3, 1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, with Corporate Registration No. 4065573 (hereinafter referred to as "Bidder"), in accordance with Article 49 of the Law on Takeover of Joint Stock Companies (Official Gazette of RNM No. 69/2013, 188/2013, 166/2014, 154/2015, 23/2016, 248/2018 and 31/2020), publishes the Decision of the Securities and Exchange Commission on the outcome of the Takeover Bid.


2024.09.27 - Решението од КХВ на РСМ за исходот на понудата за преземање број УП 10 - 66.PDF

Published оn: 9/27/2024 2:32:56 PM
Public Document ID: DOC_10686-675/2024
Layout: Other price sensitive information